BibleTelling® Life of Christ Unit 8 - Curriculum Express


The BibleTelling® Life of Christ course has 36 stories that tell the life of Christ in chronological order — from the birth of John to the Ascension. The entire course is divided into 12 booklets and four answer keys.

  • BibleTelling Life of Christ is a one-year Bible course that equips people with the ability to learn the stories of Jesus, increase their knowledge of the Bible, and be able to tell it to others!
  • The pull-out TEST should be removed from the center of the booklet before a student starts working on it.
  • Answer keys contain answers for all the activities in the booklet. They are designed to be used by students for checking their own work. There are a total of four keys – one for every three booklets.
  • The pull-out TEST KEY should be removed from the center of the answer booklet before a student starts using it.

Unit 8 covers:

  • Forgiveness and Neighbors
  • Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son
  • Raising Lazarus


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Weight .50 lbs
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International Learning Solutions is the publisher of many popular courses and curricula focused on Biblical learning. Among these popular series:

Successful Living

Start your children off on the right path with Successful Living, a practical, down-to-earth Bible course. The principles taught are illustrated with relevant personal stories from the life of the author, John Walsh. Many Bible stories are also used to illustrate the truths of Proverbs.

Nutrition Science

The Nutrition Science series is a practical, common-sense study of nutrition based on Biblical concepts, featuring projects and recipes. It is ideal for individual study, schools, ACE schools, homeschools, or a small-group study.

BibleTelling® Life of Christ

To hide God’s word in our heart, we must internalize it. This is done by systematically learning the stories of the Bible in chronological order. BibleTelling® helps you to tell these stories in a natural way without memorization.

BibleTelling® Life of Christ Unit 8

Price: $2.00

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BibleTelling® Life of Christ Unit 8

Price: $2.00 Back To Shop

The BibleTelling® Life of Christ course has 36 stories that tell the life of Christ in chronological order — from the birth of John to the Ascension. The entire course is divided into 12 booklets and four answer keys.

  • BibleTelling Life of Christ is a one-year Bible course that equips people with the ability to learn the stories of Jesus, increase their knowledge of the Bible, and be able to tell it to others!
  • The pull-out TEST should be removed from the center of the booklet before a student starts working on it.
  • Answer keys contain answers for all the activities in the booklet. They are designed to be used by students for checking their own work. There are a total of four keys – one for every three booklets.
  • The pull-out TEST KEY should be removed from the center of the answer booklet before a student starts using it.

Unit 8 covers:

  • Forgiveness and Neighbors
  • Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, Lost Son
  • Raising Lazarus


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BibleTelling® Life of Christ Unit 8

Price: $2.00

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